Sentinel 3 Warranty Increased

PPM Test has increased the warranty on its Sentinel 3 system to reflect the product’s successful implementation into the test and measurement market. As one of the most advanced RF over fibre test and measurement systems, the company has shown its faith in the product and its quality by increasing the warranty. Sentinel 3 offers a dynamic range of >150 dB/Hz and ultra-high sensitivity to -120 dBm. Continue reading
Sentinel 3 system enhances QinetiQ’s Aircraft EMC testing capability

PPM Test has been working with QinetiQ Ltd to improve their EMC testing services. QinetiQ is a globally recognised leader in aircraft EMC certification testing and has been using the previous Sentinel II fibre optic link system for over 20 years. The upgrade to Sentinel 3 will be a significant enhancement to QinetiQ’s EMC testing capability, allowing faster, more accurate and reliable testing. Continue reading
Sentinel 3 LabVIEW Integration

PPM Test has announced a National Instruments certified LabVIEW driver for their world-leading EMP/EMC conformance test and measurement ‘Sentinel 3’ system. Laboratory Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) is a system that helps users to visualise their applications from hardware configuration, through to debugging via graphical programming. Continue reading
White House Executive Order to Boost Sentinel 3

PPM Test is expecting an influx of enquiries for the Sentinel 3 RF over fibre system as a result of the recent White House Executive Order on coordinating national resilience to electromagnetic pulses. Sentinel 3, a state-of-the-art test and measurement system is designed specifically for EMP testing. The directive has raised the profile of the vulnerability to EMP threats globally. Continue reading
PPM Test delivers Sentinel 3 system to BAE Warton

BAE Systems in Warton, UK have taken delivery of a Sentinel 3 system to support their electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing. The Lancashire site is a major BAE assembly and testing facility and the main manufacturing location for the Eurofighter Typhoon. The Sentinel 3 RF over fibre platform has been well received by companies in European military aircraft programs. Continue reading
NIAR chooses Sentinel 3 for lightning and HIRF testing

The National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) at Wichita State University has chosen Sentinel 3 RF over fibre to support their environmental and electromagnetic testing on aircraft. NIAR’s Environmental & EME Test Labs perform testing such as Lightning Transient Analysis and HIRF testing, relating to key aerospace standards such as ARP-5416A. Continue reading
Sentinel 3 Launch

We spent two years working with the EMC/EMP test community in Europe and the USA, developing Sentinel 3 from a blank sheet of paper. With the user at the centre of the development process, we came up with so many ways to make Sentinel 3 better than Sentinel 2. Continue reading