We would like to give you some comfort that we are still here and that our production facility and distribution facility remain operational. We still aim to deliver on time and we are working closely with our customers where we feel our usual standard of delivery and service might be affected by the current challenges we face. At the same time we are taking measures to ensure that the health of employees, customers and suppliers are not compromised.

Like other companies and organisations around the world, PPM are supporting the global efforts to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) by introducing changes in line with Government and The World Health Organization Recommendations, including:
- Staff are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days if either them or a close family member displays symptoms of COVID-19
- We are having meetings by telephone and videoconferencing (e.g. Skype and Zoom) rather than having visitors to our sites or making visits to customers or suppliers
- Supporting working from home, where possible
- For employees who must work onsite, we have deployed extra precautions to ensure their safety, including stringent hygiene measures and keeping a safe distance from colleagues.
The above measures remain in place until further notice. In the meantime, we will continue to work with you and support you to ensure we meet your requirements. Should you have any questions (or would just like a chat to break up the isolation) please feel free to contact us.
The Team at PPM Test.