PPM Test has announced the new I-150-1HF Kwik-Latch® clamp-on current probe. The product, developed by Prodyn Technologies, has an internal aperture of 38.1mm and bridges the gap between the popular I-125 Prodyn series (31.75mm) and much larger I-262 series (66.5mm).
The I-150-1HF has identical performance characteristics to the I-125-1HF current probe, with a transfer impedance of 5 Ω and a usable frequency range of 1 kHz to >1 GHz. It comes with an N-Type output connector as standard (other connector options available).
The probe benefits from a new housing design which will be used for future current probes as well. The housing is compatible with the existing PTD-2 calibration fixture which is used for the smaller I-075 and I-125 series. Custom designs are also available where particular performance characteristics are required.
PPM Test’s Business Development Manager, Richard Leonard, said:
“Prodyn has long been acknowledged for its high frequency current probes; offering exceptional sensitivity and high bandwidth. The team at PPM is pleased to be able to offer the I-150-1HF as the first of the new range of 1.5” ID current probes.”