This guide has been produced to aid in the selection of suitable cables for the Sentinel 3 fibre optic system.
Sentinel 3 Cable Setup Examples
The Sentinel 3 system can support anywhere from 1 to 48 links between the transmitters (Tx) and a single receiver (Rx). These links monitor probes or sensors sequentially in a test environment.
The examples that follow will provide the best combination of Rx modules and cables for use in the various testing options. These examples are not exhaustive and many combinations are possible, but they will provide clarity on the selection of cables required for your test environment.
Selecting the best combination of Rx modules and cables can both simplify testing setups and minimise overall test time.
Example 1: Simple Single Link
The Rx1 module utilises a single DUO Neutrik connection (Dual LC/APC port), providing a simple single link between the Rx module and Tx head. The probe is connected to the Tx SMA ports of each Tx head. For the Tx1 there is one SMA connector for a single probe or sensor, while for the Tx8, there are 8 SMA connections for multiple measurements.
This simple connection requires no additional breakout, so represents the simplest optical RF over fibre solution. In this configuration, only the Rx1 module is required.
This setup is ideal for collecting measurements of a single probe or antenna (Tx1) or a number of probes/antennas within a small area (Tx8).
Example 2: Dual Location Link
The Rx2 module utilises a QUAD Neutrik connection, allowing for 2 Tx heads to be used with a single Rx module. This provides up to 16 links between the Rx module and Tx head. The probes are connected to the Tx SMA ports of each Tx head. For the Tx1 there is one SMA connector for a single probe or sensor, while for the Tx8, there are 8 SMA connections for multiple measurements.
This connection requires an additional breakout to combine the 2 x DUO links onto the QUAD cable. This can be provided by the use of a breakout box (see diagram above) or via a cable drum with a breakout from QUAD to DUO.
This setup is ideal where a number of measurements may be required from remote locations within the testing vehicle. By utilising the lightweight cable between the breakout box and the individual Tx heads, the heads can be located some distance apart. In this example, the total cable distance between Tx heads could be up to 100 metres.
Example 3: Multiple Location Link
The Rx6 module utilises a MTP Neutrik connection. This allows for up to 6 Tx heads to be used with a single Rx module, providing up to 48 links between the Rx module and Tx head. The probes are connected to the Tx SMA ports of each Tx Head. For the Tx1 there is one SMA connector for a single probe or sensor, for the Tx8, there are 8 SMA connections for multiple measurements.
This connection requires an additional breakout to combine the 6 x DUO links onto the MTP Cable. This can be provided by the use of a breakout box (see diagram above) or via a cable drum with a breakout from MTP to DUO.
In this example, the user is able to collect multiple measurements during testing, reducing overall test time and minimising the downtime due to testing reconfigurations.
How to Specify Fibre Cables
In order to maximise testing and to minimise overall test and setup time, the selection of the correct cable and system configuration can be critical.
Each cable in a Sentinel 3 system has a specific part number, showing its full specifications including connectors, length and cable type. The cable product specification below demonstrates what each element of the part number represents.
Using the information provided in this guide should aid in selecting cables for your Sentinel 3 system. However, PPM Test’s technical support experts will work with you to specify the full system configuration. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
For any technical issues not covered by this guide, please contact our dedicated Technical Support team, by emailing technicalsupport@ppmtest.com or by phoning +44 (0) 1793 784389.