PPM Test has been working with QinetiQ Ltd to improve their EMC testing services. QinetiQ is a globally recognised leader in aircraft EMC certification testing and has been using the previous Sentinel II fibre optic link system for over 20 years. The upgrade to Sentinel 3 will be a significant enhancement to QinetiQ’s EMC testing capability.
The new Sentinel 3 equipment, comprising five Tx8 Transmitters and chassis Rx6 receiver, will allow faster, more accurate and reliable testing. The commissioning process will require a partial rewrite of QinetiQ’s own system software to enable the additional functionality and system gain ranges of Sentinel 3 to be utilised. PPM Test will provide software support as required to ensure that smooth integration is achieved.

QinetiQ is a long standing customer of PPM Test and was closely consulted during the requirements capture and product definition in the early stage of Sentinel 3’s development. QinetiQ was also involved during the later product validation stages, as PPM Test used QinetiQ facilities in Farnborough to test the shielding effectiveness of the Sentinel 3 shielded transmitter heads.
Gavin Barber, QinetiQ’s HIRF Capability Leader said:
“QinetiQ Ltd’s Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) group based at Farnborough and MOD Boscombe Down have been performing Military and Commercial Aircraft Certification testing over several decades. The PPM Sentinel II Fibre Optic Link (FOL) system was used very successfully over a period of over 20 years as a critical element of the Low Level Swept instrumentation system.
Following PPM’s development of the updated Sentinel 3 FOL system – with its increased number of inputs, temperature stabilisation and higher dynamic range – QinetiQ Ltd have recently taken delivery of a five module PPM Sentinel 3 FOL system. The PPM Sentinel 3 system will be brought on line after commissioning in May-June 2020 and will offer our customers significant improvements in test set-up times, dynamic range and test durations, reducing the time aircraft and other platforms are required for testing.”
PPM Test’s Business Development Manager Richard Leonard commented:
“Having worked closely with QinetiQ for many years, PPM Test is delighted to finally welcome QinetiQ to the Sentinel 3 customer family. PPM is looking forward to supporting the integration of the Sentinel 3 Intelligent FOL into QinetiQ’s enhanced EMC testing capability.”
For more information on the Sentinel 3 Fibre Optic Link System, please click here.