White House Executive Order to Boost Sentinel 3

Donald Trump, US President

PPM Test is expecting an influx of enquiries for the Sentinel 3 RF over fibre system as a result of the recent White House Executive Order on coordinating national resilience to electromagnetic pulses. Sentinel 3, a state-of-the-art test and measurement system is designed specifically for EMP testing.

Protecting national infrastructure

The United States government initiative concerns the need to understand and prepare for natural and man-made EMPs which can impact a large geographical area, disrupting critical infrastructure, the national economy and global stability. This new Executive Order from President Donald Trump provides a platform for new technology to combat the risk of EMPs.

“The Federal Government must foster sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective approaches to improving the Nation’s resilience to the effects of EMPs.”  Donald Trump – President of the United States.

Operational within harsh environments

Sentinel 3 is an intelligent RF over fibre system with multiple connectivity options allowing for remote operation. The technology is ideal for harsh environments including the high magnetic and electric field. Sentinel 3 with its remote reconfiguration, allows for rapid testing in any environment and covers a wide bandwidth from 80 Hz up to UHF, encompassing the exhaustive frequency range.

“Sentinel 3 is the most advanced RF over fibre testing system available. It is ideal to support the work to address EMP threats through high impulse testing.” Dr. Martin Ryan – Managing Director at PPM.

Intelligent design

The Sentinel 3 system is specifically designed for high energy impulse testing. The system can be used to test against both natural phenomena like lightning strikes to buildings and to test against man-made EMPs. The system was designed for rapid and flexible deployment, from remote transmitters through to the controller and receiver chassis.

Key Features

  • Shielding effectiveness to 90dB
  • Tested to 150 kV per metre
  • Impulse, time domain and NEMP testing

The directive from the US government has raised the profile of the vulnerability to EMP threats globally. Sentinel 3 has already seen orders from across the globe and now PPM is expecting there will be similar uptake in the United States in future months.

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